News aus der Forenwelt

🚨 It's time to party like it's 2022 2023 2024! Today we are very pleased (and relieved) to announce the stable release of XenForo 2.3.0 and our official add-ons. It has been a long time coming so we thank you for your patience and support. There are a myriad of new features and improvements. Here's a brief overview of our favourites: Style variants with Dark mode Improved performance Featured content Image optimization... Read more Written by XenForo - (Weiterlesen)
This week in addition to a bunch of bug fixes, we've also been doing a spot of housekeeping in our code. The following is quite technically heavy so if you're a non-developer, shield your eyes and read the less boring bits. Much wider usage for class strings As a reminder, XenForo 2.3 brings with it support for using native PHP class strings. For example, originally we used "class short names" to point to certain classes. While these were easy to write, it makes refactoring classes... Read more Written by XenForo - (Weiterlesen)
Security Fix Today we are advising all customers running XenForo that a potential security vulnerability has been identified. All affected customers running XenForo 2.3.0 should upgrade to XenForo 2.3.0 Release Candidate 1, including XenForo Media Gallery 2.3.0 Release Candidate 1 if needed. If you also have active installs of XenForo 2.2 or XenForo 2.1 you should refer to the earlier thread with details and patch. The issue relates to a potential cross-site request forgery and code... Read more Written by XenForo - (Weiterlesen)
Security Fix Today we are advising all customers running XenForo that a potential security vulnerability has been identified. All affected customers should either upgrade to XenForo 2.1.15 or XenForo 2.2.16. If you are a XenForo Cloud customer, a fix has been rolled out automatically, and no further action is required to address this issue. If you are running a pre-release version of XenForo 2.3, you should follow the instructions in the announcement thread for the XenForo 2.3.0... Read more Written by XenForo - (Weiterlesen)
As we get ever closer to the fabled "release candidate" stage and the eventual stable release, today we are releasing the eighth beta for XenForo 2.3! Nothing particularly noteworthy this week other than a number of bug fixes. We strongly recommend anyone testing 2.3 during this beta period upgrade as each beta version is released. More specific details regarding bugs fixed in this release can be found in the resolved bugs forum. This is beta software. It is not... Read more Written by XenForo - (Weiterlesen)
Unfortunately it has recently come to our attention that the CAPTCHA previously provided by Solve Media is no longer functional. Initially it seemed like it was just their verification endpoint that was no longer functional, but it now transpires that their CAPTCHA challenges are no longer displaying either. If your site is currently configured to use Solve Media, it is highly likely that new users are currently unable to register an account on your forum. Even if that aspect starts... Read more Written by XenForo - (Weiterlesen)
Welcome to 2.3.0 Beta 7! Since our last release we have been mostly focusing again on bug fixes and stability, though we do have an interesting change to note related to multibyte strings, specifically URL romanization. If available, we now use the intl extension and perform a multi-layered process for normalizing and transliterating strings. This is now much more intelligent as it handles some special cases for certain locales (based on the default language of the forum). We also... Read more Written by XenForo - (Weiterlesen)
This week (and a bit) we have been extremely busy working towards that enticing milestone of a stable release. There's still a little while to go with a healthy number of bugs, feedback and other bits in our backlog that we'd like to work through, but each release represents a significant amount of effort and progress towards the end goal. While we have mostly focused on bug fixes and other stability improvements, this has resulted in some notable changes which you should be aware of... Read more Written by XenForo - (Weiterlesen)
Finally, the add-ons have some love ❤️ While there is the usual amount of bug fixes as we work hard to make XenForo 2.3 even more stable, this Beta in particular brings a number of new features to our official add-ons. You can read our recent 'Have you seen...?' thread to find out what's new: XenForo Enhanced Search XenForo Resource Manager XenForo Media Gallery Note in particular, XenForo Enhanced Search has slightly higher minimum requirements than we... Read more Written by XenForo - (Weiterlesen)
Today is the day we sadly have to report that this is the final 'Have you seen...?' thread for XenForo 2.3. While there are still changes planned, these will almost exclusively be changes to existing features, bug fixes and miscellaneous improvements that aren't significant enough for their own thread. But this only brings with it the implication of very good news to come as we start wrapping up the beta process for XenForo 2.3 and rocket towards a stable release as soon as possible... Read more Written by Chris D - (Weiterlesen)
Today, we continue the, uh, trend of weekly beta releases for XenForo 2.3 with Beta 4. This release fixes a number of bugs found since the previous release, and adds support for trending content which you can read about right here. In addition to the trending content widget we have also made the following notable changes: You can now log in to the admin control panel using your configured passkey. Changes to the job queueing system that allows a caller to create jobs with a... Read more Written by XenForo - (Weiterlesen)
Since the initial release of XenForo 2.3, there has been a new system working away behind the scenes. One that some developers might have spotted but one that we hadn't actually talked about yet, because it wasn't relevant. Until now! Let's talk about this somewhat underlying system first. Content activity log This is a generic system, based on content types, which we strongly recommend you consider using for your own add-ons. Essentially what this does is keep a log of content and... Read more Written by Chris D - (Weiterlesen)
Today, we continue the beta stage of XenForo 2.3 with Beta 3, albeit a little later than originally planned This release fixes a number of bugs found since the previous release, and adds support for passwordless logins with passkeys which you can read about right here. There are a few known issues with passkeys at this point, particularly with hardware-based keys, so please check the bug reports forum if you run into anything. We strongly recommend anyone testing 2.3 during this beta... Read more Written by XenForo - (Weiterlesen)
First thing's first, don't panic, don't rush to your customer area, there is no Beta 3 release today! We are likely to be moving the remaining HYS posts to Thursday/Friday, coinciding with those features rolling out to this very forum so we get some extended testing and feedback before they appear in a subsequent Beta. Next order of business, before we get into what's coming in Beta 3, is a big thank you to Shawn, AKA @digitalpoint. We're big fans of Shawn's work and he's genuinely a... Read more Written by Chris D - (Weiterlesen)
Brand new in XenForo 2.3.0 Beta 2 is support for a few long overdue enhancements related to our payment and purchasable system. Let's look at each of these below! Stripe Checkout Stripe Checkout is Stripe's native and hosted checkout page which not only brings with it some powerful customisability, it also makes accepting new payment methods completely trivial and available in an instant. Allow user upgrades and other purchasables to be purchased with options for "Buy Now... Read more Written by Chris D - (Weiterlesen)
Today, we continue the beta stage of XenForo 2.3 with Beta 2. This release fixes a number of bugs found since the previous release, and adds a number of new features which you can read about right here. We strongly recommend anyone testing 2.3 during this beta period upgrade as each beta version is released. More specific details regarding bugs fixed in this release can be found in the resolved bugs forum. This is beta software. It is not officially supported. We do... Read more Written by XenForo - (Weiterlesen)
We are delighted to announce that XenForo 2.3.0 Beta 1 is now available to all customers with active self-hosted licenses. XenForo 2.3 includes a large number of new features and improvements, including: Dark mode and style variants Extensive performance improvements Featured content Image optimization (WebP), client side image resizing and more Automation via webhooks Sign in with Apple, IndexNow, Full InnoDB and improved MySQL... Read more Written by XenForo - (Weiterlesen)
It's finally here! Today we are pleased to mark the next major milestone towards a stable release of XenForo 2.3 and this time we need your help! As per the announcement XenForo 2.3 Beta 1 is now available to all licensed self-hosted customers. We'd very much appreciate your thoughts, your feedback, and your uncanny ability to break things in ways we can't even imagine. But, as ever, please do not even contemplate installing it on your live forum at this point. There will be bugs; some of... Read more Written by Chris D - (Weiterlesen)
Hot on the heels of yesterday's XF 2.2.14 release and subsequent patches, we are today making XenForo 2.2.15 available for all licensed customers to download. We strongly recommend that all customers running previous versions of XenForo 2.2 upgrade to this release to benefit from increased stability, particularly if you already upgraded to XenForo 2.2.14. As of this point, XenForo 2.2.14 and its patches are no longer available for download. We are still planning a final XF 2.2... Read more Written by XenForo - (Weiterlesen)
XenForo 2.2.14 ist jetzt für alle lizenzierten Kunden zum Download verfügbar. Wir empfehlen dringend, dass alle Kunden, die frühere Versionen von XenForo 2.2 verwenden, auf diese Version aktualisieren, um von der erhöhten Stabilität zu profitieren. Neben den üblichen Fehlerbehebungen und Verbesserungen gibt es in dieser Version auch einige bemerkenswerte Änderungen. Kompatibilität mit PHP 8.1 und 8.2 Die meisten Kompatibilitätsprobleme zwischen PHP 8.1 und 8.2 wurden behoben. Verbleibende Probleme können E_DEPRECATED-Warnungen im xf_error_log während des Debug-Modus auslösen, aber diese sind im Allgemeinen nicht kritisch und können ignoriert werden. Änderungen bei der Abmeldung von E-Mails Bisher konnten sich Benutzer über bestimmte...